

What follows is my view of the world. I will cut it up into relatively easy-to-read increments. I don’t expect everyone to agree. All I ask is that you read it with an open mind, and don’t get pissed off because you don’t agree. That’s what freedom of speech is about. If you feel that I’m so out of touch, jaded, or misguided that you simply must intervene, please let me know. If you’re a dick about it, I’ll be one back. Thanks.

I will cover many topics. These will include, but are not limited to: religion, spirituality & theism, the current & past political climates, foreign relations, gun control, alcohol & drugs, relationships, comedy, music, the undeniable similarities of the human race, and other things that pass through my often pissed off, but always open mind.

Here are some definitions that you may need to remember when reading what follows:

Manifesto- a public declaration of intentions, opinions, or purposes.
Music- an art form where sounds are organized in time.
Succinctly- to put something in a concise or brief manner.
Asshole- 1. a real prick. 2. a jiving, slippery motherfucker who really rubs humanity the wrong way. 3. my whoring, party-whore ex girlfriend.
Open minded- someone who is receptive to new ideas or information.
Athiest- someone who does not believe in any God, deity, or supreme being of any kind.
Anti-thiest- someone who is opposed to organized religion in any form.

Remember: I want your feedback, I want to know what you think. If you have something to say, say it. If possible, try not to be an asshole, if you can’t, then let me have it.

Stay tuned, kids. It’ll be a fun ride.

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